為什麼說小朋友學英文非常重要呢?讓我先給你講個故事吧。據《聖經》記載,大洪水以後,天下人都講一樣的語言,由於大家語言相通,齊心協力,古巴比倫城建設的非常繁華而美麗,他們修建的高塔直通雲霄,準備一直修到天上去。眼看著人類修建的高塔越來越高,上帝害怕了,於是他悄悄地來到人間,變亂了人類的語言,讓不同地方的人講不同的話。人類沒有了溝通的語言,就不能用語言正常地溝通了,那座通天塔也就半途而廢了。可見溝通時使用共同的語言是多麼重要。 世界上有這麼多種語言,為什麼一定要小朋友學習英語呢?英語是當今世界上最主要的國際通用語言之一,世界上以英語為母語的人近四億,更有20多個國家把英語作為官方語言或第二語言使用,共計有八億多人在一定程度上使用英語。如果從使用範圍方面看,世界上大約70%的郵件是用英語書寫的,世界範圍的科技資料有大約60%是用英語書寫的,絕大多數國際會議以英語為第一通用語言。 小朋友學英文越早越好,早到什麼程度呢?有些家長讓自己的孩子從幼兒學英文,更有些家長甚至讓自己的孩子從一出生就接觸英語環境,稱作BB學英文。為什麼小朋友學英文越早越好呢? 教育學家告訴我們,嬰幼兒是人腦發育和開發最重要的階段。嬰兒剛剛出生的時候,大腦是“空的”,那時候腦神經還沒有發育,當然也就沒有腦神經之間的聯繫。當嬰幼兒的大腦受到外界信息的刺激以後,腦神經才開始發育,腦神經之間也開始逐漸建立起聯繫。這時候給幼兒什麼樣的刺激,大腦就會發育成什麼樣子。BB學英文就是要在嬰幼兒大腦發育的最初階段給它以一個英文方面的刺激,語言的學習就成了自然而然的事情。BB學英文並不需要教他太多的內容,只需要給他一個英文的刺激就可以。學習的內容完全可以是最簡單的母子之間的溝通和對話和日常最簡單的英文單詞和句子。你不需要擔心BB學英文能不能聽得懂,其實對於一個嬰幼兒來說,你說英語或者說國語,對他來講幾乎是一樣的。重要的是給他一個語言方面的刺激,為他營造一個良好的英文語言環境。 BB學英文要慢慢來,循序漸進,當他大一些的時候,我們再逐漸讓他接受比較正規的幼兒學英文內容。這時候家長需要有意教孩子一些有計劃的學習內容。因為幼兒學英文的內容越豐富,接觸面越廣,會為他將來進一步學好英文打下一個堅實良好的基礎。有條件的父母可以在家裡教小朋友學英文,但對於大多數家長而言,還是找一家正規的教育機構教小朋友學英文為好。那裡的老師都接受過專業訓練,了解兒童心裡,有著豐富的兒童教學經驗和英文教學技能,可以讓您的孩子在那裡接受最現代化的良好英文教育。
D Mind & the Prince: Learning Journey
Home Learning
HOME plays an indispensable part in a child’s early development.
D Mind & the Prince is an early English programme which comprises over 160 creative components that can be used to transform each home into a close-to-native English immersive environment for each child. A stimulating and inspiring environment as such can allow children to attain an optimal level of language exposure during the golden period for language acquisition.
D Mind & the Prince: Phase 1 of the Learning Journey
Home Learning Package
As babies, infants and young children spend a significant amount of time at home, setting up an immersive English environment filled with carefully curated home learning materials for them to explore on their own, or to interact with people around, will for sure effectuate their language acquisition.
D Mind & the Prince is an early English immersion programme specially designed for children to use at home with particular language focuses that tally their growing and personal experience.
Why D Mind & the Prince Home Learning Package
1. Adopting ‘learn-and-apply ’pedagogy with AI
At different stages of childhood, children can benefit from our learning materials in different ways. While our home package provides young children foundational knowledge of the English language, the activities at our Activities and Courses or Cultural Experience allow young children to meet new people and gradually grasp the opportunities to apply what they have learnt. That will take their learning experience to the next level with no sweat. Through ‘learn-and-apply’, young children consolidate their knowledge, and build confidence in parallel.
All explorations and learning journeys will be recorded in our Parents' App through the AI pen. Parents and caregivers will get regular progress updates and suggestions on education resources for use from time to time.
2. Introducing world-changing ideas and emphasising global competence
D Mind & the Prince takes the lead in introducing new ideas that have been changing the world: Global Citizenship, Be Green and Digital Natives. Topics related to the natural world, people in the community and contemporary global issues, such as environmental protection and global families, are well covered in various components of our programme.
Our programme also incorporates themes from foundational concepts to global competences, such as critical thinking skills and problem solving skills. We aim to prepare the little ones to overcome their life challenges with ease and bring them to the international platform from an early age.
3. Merging English into everyday life
D Mind & the Prince merges language learning into different areas of children’s daily life, from morning and bedtime routines to mealtime and bathtime. Children can acquire the English language while developing their self-care, problem-solving and social skills through various activities.
4. Teaching the English that natives speak
Our teaching-and-learning materials come in various formats and teach in context the English that natives speak. Children will, therefore, find it easy to apply what they have learnt to everyday conversations with people around them. Also, because children need to know and handle British and American English in this globalizing world, D Mind & the Prince introduces both varieties so that they can recognize and appreciate the dynamics of language development from a young age.
5. A collaboration of international educators, writers and illustrators
Expert educators and award-winning picture book writers and illustrators from different countries have teamed up to create the picture books in our home package. All these picture book titles are novel educational art pieces that inspire children to learn creatively and explore possibilities. They, in particular, boost language development and provoke creativity and aesthetic sense.
D Mind & the Prince Learning Components